Thanks :) This Post From: Nurul Aidzza Fadzwin :))


"That should be me" as his "Baby" and ill be "One less lonely girl" only if he would "Pick me" and id be "Stuck in the moment" and id make my way back "Down to Earth" and long as "U smile" and i promise not to "Kiss and Tell" i also won't go "Overboard" and trust me, im nott a "Rich girl" . i hope this will last more then "One time" if youu "Love me". i just need "Somebody to Love" and don't make this a "Eenie Meenie" choice. i hope its me and we will go "Up"

Thanks :) This Post From: Nurul Aidzza Fadzwin :))

Gong Xi Fa Cai :)

Hi . intresting or not ?? of course not . aahhahahaha .

Thanks :) This Post From: Nurul Aidzza Fadzwin :))


kck ba tok aku suka alu ba . :)) unik kan ? ahha . aku pun mok ikot buat kedak tok.

waa ! kck ba . ahaha . aku suka tok . ya la aku letak tok kat blog . ahaha .

Thanks :) This Post From: Nurul Aidzza Fadzwin :))

Padamkan Ragu :)

Tanpa cahayamu ,pudarlah sinar mataku .
Tanpa asmaramu ,malaplah cermin jiwaku dan tak terbayang . Kesepiankuku andai kau pergi .Tak terbayang kesedihanku hilang kau kasih . Kita saling puja memuja,kita saling cinta menyinta . Hari-hari cemburu pun berlegar di ruang rindu . Kita harus sudah mengaku , kita saling perlu memerlu sama-sama percaya dan setia . Tanpa senyumanmu sunyilah hari-hariku yang mengharapkan belaian dari dirimu hingga tak tertahan jika sesaat pun tiada mengaku hilangmu .

Thanks :) This Post From: Nurul Aidzza Fadzwin :))


Haha :) xsabar ba aku , sbb sidak PPI ckp : aku ekot nasyid . OMG ! ee.. takut aku ba .
da la malu rasa mun aku ekot nasyid ba . cuba la aku dpt jadi pengawas nak best . ahha :)
berangan bena aku tok kan ??
gila dah aku tok . aha .

Thanks :) This Post From: Nurul Aidzza Fadzwin :))

Tentang Sekolah Baru :)

hellow :) now i school at SMK Pujut Miri . i meet new friends . best ! my members is Siti , Mira , Wani , Floriana , Glorria , Azira , Dayang , Zainab , and many . ariya knak interview oleh ckg Chong and ckg Paul . best ehh ! ahah . interview pasal jadi pengawas . aha . ada ka ny kata aku tok kaki BODEK ? ahaha . mmg best la .

Thanks :) This Post From: Nurul Aidzza Fadzwin :))